Chartered Town and Country Planning Consultants
South East and Beyond
Opening doors for development
AATP is an independent town planning practice with extensive experience of working within the public sector and private practice. At AATP we employ a modern innovative approach to planning. We work closely with clients and encourage sustainable practical solutions. We believe in “Opening the doors” to development and increasing the value of land and property holdings. We stick doggedly to the tasks at hand and are constantly in search of ideas to overcome any opposition or objections to proposals. We serve Greater London and beyond.
How Can We Help?
Planning appeals
Planning applications
Town planning consultancy
Planning enforcement
Pre-application enquiries
Support and advice for new developer looking for help with planning
Support and advice for all on laws and regulations
PLANNING CONSULTANTS in Croydon, Tunbridge Wells
About AATP
At AATP we have wide-ranging experience in submitting planning applications and gaining approvals for a wide range of proposals including providing planning expertise for developers, commercial, industrial and householder clients across the country for more than 25 years.